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Saturday, 18 July 2009

Indicators of economic depression ending-- Google searches vs. job losses

read the full article at

Larry Summers, Obama's top economic advisor has summed up the state of the economy today in what Forbes online is calling "promising", but somewhat "obscure" signs of recovery.

 Unemployment rate with and without stimulus package

The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

  • "Earlier this year traders were betting there was a one-in-six chance that the Dow would fall below 5,000, he said. Now they say it's one-in-a-hundred.

  • The chances that corporate bonds will default has fallen by a third.

  • And Google searches for 'economic depression,' which surged to quadruple their normal levels, have since returned to normal. (A growing number of economists do believe that the recession has ended or will end in coming months.)"

read the full article at


  1. [...] Original post: Indicators of economic depression ending– Google searches vs. job … [...]

  2. [...] And Google searches for ‘ economic depression,’ which surged to quadruple their normal levels, have since returned to normal. (A growing number of economists do believe that the recession has ended or will end in coming months.)” … More here:  Indicators of economic depression ending– Google searches vs. job … [...]

  3. yeah try looking up unemployment in google trends.... it's still way up there...


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